Graphic Kitchen | Londons Restaurant Marketing Agency

Chai Naasto

The Challenge

To provide a strong new vision for the brand and menu, which had become diluted after working with many different suppliers over the years. We aimed to capitalise on the restaurant’s healthy following and align all members of the company to get behind its future growth.

The Solution

Our Solution

Our menu developer Nisha Parmar looked at the sales figures and revamped the food offering. The creative team crafted a beautiful new menu design, carried out a food photoshoot and used the imagery to transform the website. These steps, along with additional marketing material, have helped the client see a 20% boost in sales. What’s more, all team members are fully aligned with the vision for the business.

The Result

Ready to kickstart your project?

Call us: 01895 474 752

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Menu Design & Development
Food & Interior Photography

Ready to kickstart your project?

Call us: 01895 474 752

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