Graphic Kitchen | Londons Restaurant Marketing Agency

San Marzanos

The Challenge

Having assembled a passionate team, cultivated an electric atmosphere, and sourced the freshest global ingredients, the owners were set to shake up the market with their new Italian restaurant. However, bridging the gap between this authentic experience and their target audience proved difficult, signalling the need for expert intervention. Our mission was to create a consistent brand and online identity that set the client apart from the typical Italian eatery.

The Solution

Our Solution

Partnering closely with the client, we forged a brand that truly spoke to their primary audience, bringing to life the enchanting aromas of Italy's bustling squares. Our design teams skillfully shaped a menu to ignite culinary curiosity, complemented by a website bursting with Italian tradition. Channelling the power of our vivid food photos, we rolled out an energetic social media campaign, engaging a crowd that felt an immediate connection to the brand. Following our dynamic collaboration, the client's eatery has surged ahead, reporting an impressive 20% rise in earnings!

The Result

Ready to kickstart your project?

Call us: 01895 474 752

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Menu Design & Development
Website Design & Development
Food & Interior Photography
Social Strategy

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Call us: 01895 474 752

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