Graphic Kitchen | Londons Restaurant Marketing Agency

Tailors Kitchen

The Challenge

To establish a name, identity and brand for a startup company with a brilliant product, but with limited budget for branding. Reshma had created a great sauce that was selling well, but she was struggling to find the right team who loved the product and believed in the vision.

The Solution

Our Solution

We were chosen from a list of other recommendations, as we’re industry-leading and specialists at what we do. For Tailor’s Kitchen, we created a strong, timeless brand. Working within budget restrictions, we created a simple yet effective one-page website with a PayPal shop. This encouraged purchases and let users interact with the brand. We also helped the client with a branded exhibition stand, so that every brand touch point was consistent for both online and offline customer interaction.

The Result

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Website Design & Development
Food & Interior Photography
Packaging & Graphic Design

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