Graphic Kitchen | Londons Restaurant Marketing Agency

The River Garden Pub

The Challenge

Having recently transformed an old pub into a trendy spot with tasty dishes and a lively atmosphere, the owner had set the standards high - but the menu just wasn’t selling what he had to offer. We were brought in to put this right by revamping the menu, highlighting the gourmet delights that had been hiding in the wings.

The Solution

Our Solution

​​We dove in, weaving the brand's narrative seamlessly into the menu, ensuring it harmonised with the venue's lively character. Thanks to our expertise, customers couldn’t resist trying those hidden gems on the menu, leading to happier diners and a 15% rise in sales.

The Result

Ready to kickstart your project?

Call us: 01895 474 752

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Menu Design & Development

Ready to kickstart your project?

Call us: 01895 474 752

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